About Us

Our Philosophy

Rosebud Preschool follows a Reggio-Inspired, emergent, play-based curriculum with an intergenerational focus. Rather than follow rigid curriculum, activities and projects are dictated by children’s naturally evolving interests. Our guiding philosophy is the Reggio Emilia approach to early childhood education, which emphasizes art, environment, and community.

Our philosophy translates into students’ daily activities in many ways:

  • Music: Music is incorporated into the Rosebud program daily, with instruments, movement, and dance.
  • Problem Solving: Teachers provide students with the tools and language to solve problems and conflicts independently, rather than having a teacher solve conflicts for them.
  • Helping Friends: Children are encouraged to seek help from their peers for small tasks, rather than teachers. This fosters strong interpersonal skills and independence.
  • Open-Ended Materials: Open-ended materials are incorporated into both indoor and outdoor spaces to encourage imaginative play. Play is not teacher driven. Materials rotate based on the interests of the children.
  • Art Studio: Art is woven into each day’s activities. Students have open access to a wide variety of mediums and materials in our dedicated Atelier (Art Studio).
  • Low student-to-teacher ratios: Our classrooms are staffed with two teachers to ensure low ratios and better engagement between students and staff. Senior volunteers and activity participants are not responsible for overseeing children or managing the classroom and are not factored into our ratios.

What is an intergenerational preschool?

An intergenerational preschool intentionally incorporates different age groups – in this case, preschoolers and residents of Rose Villa – into the learning environment to foster meaningful, cross-age relationships.

Such relationships have been shown to improve the social and emotional skills of children and to promote feelings of social connection, well-being, and sense of purpose in older adults.

Our program provides opportunities for Rose Villa residents to volunteer for events and enrichment lessons. It also incorporates collaborative opportunities for elders and children to interact in daily activities and projects, including artwork, gardening, integrated games, neighborhood walks, and story time.


We are obsessed with Rosebud - the teachers, the environment, and the overall philosophy. Maxwell is thriving there and we are so grateful to be part of such a wonderful program. It's so much more than a safe place for Max to be while we're working - it's a place where he interacts with young and old, is inside and outside, has structured activities and time to explore.

From her first day, our daughter has felt comfortable and at home at Rosebud, and so have we. Her teachers are warm, caring, and create an enriching and fun environment for the class. We’ve felt so welcomed by all the staff and other parents. Rosebud is such a special place, and we are so grateful!